
CV – Alex Hall (January, 2025)


Senici, L, AS Hall, F Glaw, and MD Scherz. 2024. Potential evolutionary convergence in trophic adaptations of two booidean snake lineages as evidenced by skull morphology. Journal of Morphology, 286:e70011. [Wiley] [pdf] [data]

Gignac, PM, et al. (75 Authors [Alphabetically]). 2024. The role of networks to overcome large-scale challenges in tomography: The non-clinical tomography users research network. Tomography of Materials and Structures, 5: 100031. [ScienceDirect] [pdf] [related grant]

Huynh, TV, AS Hall, and S Xu. 2023. The transcriptomic signature of cyclical parthenogenesis. Genome Biology and Evolution, evad122. [Oxford] [pdf] [biorXiv preprint] [supp mat] [code] [NCBI BioProject]

Katti, P, AS Hall, HA Parry, PT Ajayi, Y Kim, TB Willingham, CKE Bleck, H Wen, and B Glancy. 2022. Mitochondrial network configuration influences sarcomere and myosin filament structure in striated muscles. Nature Communications, 13:6058. [Nature] [pdf] [biorXiv preprint] [data]

Maldonado, J, TJ Firneno Jr, AS Hall, and M Fujita. 2022. Parthenogenesis doubles the rate of amino acid substitution in whiptail mitochondria. Evolution, doi:10.1111/evo.14509. [Wiley] [pdf] [zenodo] [supp mat]

Wang, S, A Cabreros, Y Yang, AS Hall, S Valenzuela, Y Luo, J-P Correa-Baena, M-c Kim, Ø Fjeldberg, DP Fenning, and YS Meng. 2020. Impacts of the hole transport layer deposition process on buried interfaces in perovskite solar cells. Cell Reports Physical Science, 1:100103. [Cell] [pdf]

Cover ImageHall, AS, JL Jacobs, and EN Smith. 2020. Possible osteosarcoma reported from a new world elapid snake and review of reptilian bony tumors. The Anatomical Record. [Wiley] [pdf] [biorXiv preprint] [data]

Dias, KS, E Dosso, AS Hall, A Schuch, and A Tozetti. 2019. Ecological light pollution affects anuran calling season, daily calling period, and sensitivity to light in natural Brazilian wetlands. The Science of Nature, 106:1-10. [SpringerLink] [pdf] [supp mat]

Campbell, JA, EN Smith, and AS Hall. 2018. Caudals and calyces: The curious case of a consumed Chiapan colubroid. Journal of Herpetology, 52:459-472. [BioOne] [pdf] [data] [covered by ~100 news outlets]

Hall, AS, LL Lavery, and P Doux. 2018. Effective multi-modal multi-scale analytical and imaging correlation. IEEE Sensors Letters. [IEEE Xplore] [pdf]

Hall, AS 2016. Origins and maintenance of diversity in a vertebrate parthenogen [Ph.D. Thesis]. The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX. [pdf] [code]

Hall, AS 2016. Acute artificial light diminishes central Texas anuran calling behavior. American Midland Naturalist, 175:183-193. [BioOne] [pdf] [data & code]

Pierce, BA, and AS Hall. 2013.  Call latency as a measure of calling intensity in anuran auditory surveys. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 8:199-206. [HerpConBio] [pdf]

Biagas, T. D., AS Hall, A. L. Ritzer and BA Pierce. 2012. Time of day does not affect outcome of visual encounter surveys of a spring-dwelling salamander, Eurycea naufragia. The Southwestern Naturalist, 57:162-165. [JSTOR] [pdf]

Hall, AS 2011. Artificial lighting and anuran calling behavior [Honors Thesis]. Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX. [OCLC]

Selected Manuscripts In Prep

Yang, J, V Vrbovska, T Franke, BS Sibert, MR Larson, AS Hall, A Rigort, J Mitchels, and ER Wright. (Submitted). Integrated fluorescence microscopy (iFLM) for cryo-FIB-milling and in-situ cryo-ET. [biorXiv preprint]

Roth, C, M Singh, AS Hall, KY Sanbonmatsu, S Micheva-Viteva, J Watt, and SR Starkenburg. (In Prep). The evolution of 4D chromatin dynamics with cellular differentiation and infection with CoV-229E.

Hall, AS, AMK Vázquez-Quinto, EN Smith, and A Ramírez-Velázquez. (In Revision). Evidence for range maintenance and homing in a new world Elapid. [biorXiv preprint] [data]

O’Connell, KA., KJ Shaney, AS Hall, U Arifin, N Kurniawan, I Sidik, and EN Smith. (Submitted). Description of a new species of parachuting frog (Rhacophoridae: Rhacophorus) from northern Sumatra using micro-computed tomography.

Hall, AS, D Rivera, JA Maldonado, and MK Fujita. (In Prep). Multiple origins of a unisexual hybrid lizard (Aspidoscelis tesselata).